About DDP - ddplanet.in


DD Planet (ddplanet.in), in short DDP, is engaged in multiple activities.

The website intends to be a tips hub on multiple topics, provide various services beginning with horoscope reading and music production, and also be a knowledge portal with three blogs including one on jyotisha (jataka Astrology and related astronomy). Apart from this, it has an exclusive corner on the creative works of Devinder Dhingra, its founder.

Our endeavors have been to present the best available as on date to our readers, be it any topic or subject that is spoken of on any of the pages of our website.

We believe in mutual trust and authenticity and thus, wish to evolve continuously and keep changing at all times.

For suggestions and any feedbacks, you may contact us on various social platforms (details available in the Footer) or by sending an e-mail at 'author@ddplanet.in'.




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