A complex analysis may satisfy an astrologer's intellect but doesn't serve much astrologically: Devinder Dhingra

Jyotisha: Astrology Blog

Jataka Astrology

Nirayana Series

Siddhantic and Astronomy

Indian Calendar Series

Jataka Astrology Series

Mangalik - The truth behind the dread and what Prashara said

DD Ayanamsha - The Tamed one

Some tips for people seeking astrological consultation

Matchmaking - New technique for research

Argala - How much we need?

Lahiri Ayanamsa - A Reality check - Part 1

Lahiri Ayanamsa - A Reality check - Part 2

Yuga Theory

Do planets affect us scientifically?

Yog tara is not a junction star

A simple note on when Covid-19, Coronavirus, may end

Time to think beyond the metonic cycle - the Vedic way

Temples' directions & zodiac

Sun or Moon - Which is important?

Why basics?

Siddhanta and Astronomy

A novel way to Ellipse formation: The Author's research paper

Can Kshaya Maasa only occur from Kaartika to Magha?

DD formula on Ellipse perimeter: The Author's research paper

The beauty of the terms: Uttarayana, Dakshinayana, Chaitra etc.

Why polar coordinates are integral part of Surya Siddhanta?

Ahargana calculations - An easy way

Yog tara is not a junction star

Time to think beyond the metonic cycle - the Vedic way

Elliptical motion in Surya Siddhanta

Temples' directions & zodiac

Yuga Theory

Indian Calendar Series

Can Kshaya Maasa only occur from Kaartika to Magha?

The 2033 Calendar error: what do we learn?

Chinese Calendar and Vedas

Indian Calendar - Year 2022-23: The Ancient Way

A Video on My Research on Vaidic way of tropical year etc.

Nine points to resolve the Indian calendar anomalies: The Ancient Way

The beauty of the terms: Uttarayana, Dakshinayana, Chaitra etc.

Indian Calendar - Year 2021-22: The Ancient Way

Sample Calendar - Year 2020-21: The Ancient Way

Sun or Moon - Which is important?

Time to think beyond the metonic cycle - the Vedic way

Calendar Series Article 9 - Vasant panchami - An Excerpt from the book

Calendar Series Article 8 - Poornimanta and Amanta, a confusion?

Calendar Series Article 7 - Examples of festivals (Excerpts from the book)

Calendar Series Article 6 - The Poornima fluctuating zone

Calendar Series Article 5 - Don't crap yourself

Calendar Series Article 4 - Why pure sidereal calendar is also wrong?

Calendar Series Article 3 - Why Chaitra etc. months can't follow the tropical rashis?

Calendar Series Article 2 - Adding tropical and Vedanga

Calendar Series Article 1 - Basic revolution




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