Do planets affect us scientifically?

Scientifically, planets don’t affect us individually. It has been debated so many times that it’s only the Sun and Moon that can influence us somehow and no other planet can. But the fact is that even the Sun and moon don’t affect us at the individual level.

Please concentrate on the word “individual”. For example, the moon phases affect us emotionally even scientifically but whatever effect is considered is at mundane level and not at individual level. The effect at the individual level is actually summation of many factors.

The planets actually affect us astrologically if not scientifically at the individual level.

What do we mean by this?

All the planets are symbolic representations of certain things in astrology. They have certain characteristics that might stem from their physical facts but might not reflect the whole physical facts. For example, when we say Sun is karaka for father in astrology, Sun is symbolizing father but scientifically does not represent our father. Mars is commander of an army in astrology but physically Mars as a planet is not commander of any army. Planets are symbols/ indicators only. They represent a long list that people who know astrology are aware of, such as:

Mercury represents green, Moon represents water, Jupiter represents a teacher, Saturn represents routine job, Venus represents luxury, Rahu represents centipede, Ketu represents moksha etc.

Moreover, Rahu and Ketu are considered planets astrologically while they are just imaginary points physically.

We use the physical movement of all these astrological planets to represent the kaal chakra that affects us astrologically at the individual level. We use the characteristics of physical planets to represent a few astrological symbols and parameters but overall, the list of symbols does not finish at just the physical characteristics as explained above.

In a nutshell,

“Planets affect us astrologically, that also within the limitations as specified in the astrological know-how.”

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August 24, 2015

Devinder Dhingra

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