Short Story - The First Kick

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City Center was heavily crowded. Having finished her shopping and carrying two bags, she moved towards the lift area.

Bang! Her mobile phone fell down.

“I’m sorry,” apologized a young boy who had collided with her accidentally.
She gave a furious look. “Can’t you see!”
"Sorry," he repeated, raising both his hands.
She ignored him and picked up her mobile.
"It's mine," the young boy said.
"What! Are you a thief? It's mine," she shouted.
"No ma'am, it's mine, J7, golden color, you ca..."
She interrupted. "Don't act smart. Looks like you collided to steal my phone."
"No, see..."

She did not listen and started walking. He ran after her, but suddenly noticed another phone lying in the corner.
"Listen! I think this is your phone," he said loudly, after lifting that phone.
She stopped, and swiped on the phone in her hand. "Oh! You're right."

The phones were exchanged.
"Sorry for all that," she said.
"It's alright... coffee?" he proposed.
"Uh... ok," she agreed after a little hesitation.
The two walked towards the coffee house.
She gave a furious look. "Can't you see?"

"By the way, I'm Shekhar."
"And me, Simi."
The cool talks led them to a romantic corner of a nearby cafe.

"Your order, sir?" asked the waiter shortly.
"Pasta," They echoed in sync.
"O, another similarity," he said, smiling.
She smiled too.
Discovering more, the kick was felt... their first step to love.

Feb 12, 2017

Devinder Dhingra

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