Some tips for people seeking astrological consultation
As an astrologer, it is very important to know one’s limitations. And as a seeker, it’s important to find the right guy. Please be clear that I’m not claiming that I know it all or am a master in astrology by writing this article, but am telling you simple tips you should follow when you’re seeking an astrological consultation.
- If a prasna (Horary) astrologer asks you to visit him or her at say 4 pm or arranges a prasna session at 6 in the morning, avoid him/her. He or she may be a well-known expert or professionally successful or may claim that he knows every upside down of the prasna, but the fact is he or she is yet to learn the core basic first step of a prasna reading and that’s known as 'the moment'.
- If an astrologer claims that he can tell cent percent about your future or he has never failed or his methods never failed, don’t believe him blindly. Either he’s yet to learn astrology or he’s doing it for commercial appeal.
- If an astrologer tells you that he can change your future upside down, avoid him. Only your karmas can shape your destiny within the umbrella level defined in your chart.
- There is no one who can say with conviction that a remedy definitely works. But yes, if a remedy provides you mental peace, hope and motivation, it’s not a bad deal as it has its own psychological benefits. But avoid the ones who talk about remedies in the first step and who suggest you remedies that are expensive. Go for simple methods.
Having said all the above, in practice it’s very difficult to maintain the above four points when one is in distress, under bad phase or suffering. We’re prone to fall in that situation in the hands of such astrologers since their confidence level would always be superb and that would affect us to forget the above simple points and take a chance. And it happens with everybody.
August 23, 2018
Devinder Dhingra
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