Astrology is not about predicting to the point. It just indicates what may become destiny afterwards: Devinder Dhingra     A complex analysis may satisfy an astrologer's intellect but doesn't serve much astrologically: Devinder Dhingra

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Are you in trouble? Are you curious to know about what your stars have to say on your current situation or otherwise? If the answer is 'yes' and you are seeking an astrology consultation, you may raise your request here.

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Note: All consultations are currently handled by Devinder Dhingra.

Points to Note (Guidelines)

1. Do not raise a question to test the astrologer.

2. Be specific and raise only one query at a time.

3. This may or may not be a free service. The charges, if any, shall be conveyed via email.

4. Do not keep sending e-mail again. Responding or not is purely the astrologer's prerogative.

5. Remember, astrology is for guidance only.

6. You can remain anonymous and opt for a chat based consultation.


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