Tough writing or simple writing

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Recently I came across a quote that spelt like 'A writer is one who uses a large vocabulary that others don't understand easily'.

Well, is it really so? Do we really need to be so hard in writing? Is it mandatory to be an encyclopedia of tough words and tough sentences to be a good writer?

Not necessarily.

If we leave certain non-fiction writing aside where boundaries and language have to be within a defined scope, both simple and tough writing survives and is needed. 'Mera joota hai Japani' is not less effective, though being so simple. And since it touches masses and meets its goal commendably, how literary experts weigh it becomes immaterial in the end.

In fact, if we analyze closely, tough writing has an inherent advantage. Just think about how we respond to some knotty jokes that we don’t actually understand or understand with effort. ‘Wow!’ is mostly our reaction when we comprehend complex stuff by referring to a dictionary and reading sentences again and again, irrespective of whether that particular stuff deserved a real ‘wow’ or not.

Simple writing, on the other hand, is immediate as it touches one naturally without any brain exercise.

Simple writing is riskier as it survives completely on its content. It has to have an attachment factor, an instant response that should bind one emotionally and naturally just like our commercial cinema which mostly has simple stuff, the one that we are used to on a day to day basis, and makes us relaxed.

Tough writing has a different audience and its own segment. It may also attract masses especially for its 'wow' factor as explained above, but miss that natural touch.

Writing simple looks simple but being simple is not that simple.

Jun 28, 2017

Devinder Dhingra

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