The Key to Happiness

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"Money can't buy you happiness."

We hear this at an early age... mostly a lesson from grandpa and ma...

We move on to reality as we grow. We find money can certainly buy us happiness - all those gadgets, the things we crave for, the car and what not... money certainly serves its purpose.

The temporary phase continues until we realize ourselves one day that 'Money can't buy you happiness'.

This is the time when we look for the key to happiness sincerely, and find it in small things - spending time with family, spending time on hobbies, playing with kids, doing something that satisfies us mentally etc.

Money can certainly buy happiness to one who is hungry and hasn't eaten for a couple of days... It can buy happiness if our basic needs are not fulfilled... but once the basics are taken care of, we look for happiness again since money can't buy it.

The key to happiness lies within us. Two main roadblocks to it are 'Attachment' and 'Expectations'. The more we reduce these two aspects, the happier we often feel. Of course, it is easier said than done as our life is governed by these two elements.

In a nutshell, happiness is a state of mind. If you can work out to be in that state under all the circumstances, you're happy forever.

May 25, 2017

Devinder Dhingra

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