Astrology is not about predicting to the point. It just indicates what may become destiny afterwards: Devinder Dhingra

Jataka Astrology, Astronomy, Calendar

The Unanswered

The Unanswered Edition-3

The book is for anyone, both beginners and experts, associated with astrology at any level who are curious to seek solutions to the controversial issues in the Indian astrology such as ayanamsa, vimshottary year length, bhava chart, true or mean, geocentric or topocentric and so on.

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Taming the Untamed

Taming the Untamed Edition-3

The book is for those who are somewhat versed in the subject being discussed and are looking for the author's research on ayanamsha, yuga, nirayana, surya siddhanta 27 degree (the ancient astronomy aspects) etc.

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Resolving The Calendar

Resolving the Indian Calendar anomalies

The book is for the ones who are seeking solution to the Indian calendar controversies, once and for all, and who want to know the author's research on how adhik maas was decided in the Vedic era.

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Feedback on the Surya Siddhanta research

"Raising correct question is the mark of genius (-Aristotle); humanity will find the answer sooner or later, if needed. I did not know that you have this capability of raising questions in right directions, without the baggage of prejudices. I was mistaken about you. Ignore my words if you do not like, but keep working to unearth the buried corpses, some of which may be able for a Second Coming." - Shri Vinay Jha

(Author's comment: "Though I've differences with Sh. Jha's work, his feedback is the best amongst all the feedbacks received so far.")


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