Each work has to pass through three stages - Ridicule, Opposition and then Acceptance. Those who think ahead of their time are sure to be misunderstood - Swami Vivekanand

Taming The Untamed

A must-read for astrologers and intriguing for astronomers who wish to explore the ancient stuff, 'Taming the Untamed - Edition 3' is for those who are somewhat versed in the subject being discussed and are looking for the author's complete research work on ayanamsha, yuga, nirayana, the surya siddhanta's 27 degree controversy (the ancient astronomy aspects) and so on.

Being first in the world, it reveals certain important findings such as "how controversial oscillating ayana of 27 degree as mentioned in Surya Siddhantha is valid even when compared to modern astronomy?" and why it is called ayanamsa and not vishuwamsa? Additionally, it resolves the issue of Surya Siddhantha's longer year length and explains how it is calculated.

Chapters of the book


  1. True duration of precession cycle
  2. Why did Surya Siddhanta indicate 27 degree ayanamsha?
  3. Why oscillation? - The real meaning
  4. Where does the precession stand?
  5. The right approach to ayanamsha
  6. What is Ayana calana?


  1. Augmenting the concept further
  2. Understanding the base - revolution etc.
  3. Taming Nirayana
  4. Taming Yuga
  5. Taming Ayanamsha
  6. Calendar Reforms and Adhik Maas
  7. Miscellaneous - Food for thought

Divided into two parts, the 'Preliminary' part of the book has all the relevant six chapters of the author's research on the 27 degrees ayanamsha mentioned in the Surya Siddhanta that earlier used to be in the old editions of 'The Unanswered part I'.

The 'Mains' part, resolves all the ambiguities associated with the ayanamsha puzzle and provides concrete solutions. Readers will learn about the basic revolution, the concept of nirayana in detail and how the figure of 4320K years yuga is valid apart from other related discussions.


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