Each work has to pass through three stages - Ridicule, Opposition and then Acceptance. Those who think ahead of their time are sure to be misunderstood - Swami Vivekanand

The Unanswered (Part I and II)

Anyone associated with astrology at any level, both beginners and experts, can go for 'The Unanswered - Edition 3' to get the solutions to the controversial issues in the Indian astrology such as ayanamsa, vimshottary year length, bhava chart, true or mean, geocentric or topocentric etc.

All the topics in the book are well-researched so as to present the details with enough academic as well as logical support.

Chapters of the book


  1. The Ayanamsa puzzle
  2. Various ayanamsas, their roots and pitfalls
  3. Shall we use Surya Siddhanta ganita?
  4. Is year length in Surya Siddhanta anomalistic?
  5. Precession in ancient Indian texts
  6. Hitting the Right Ayanamsha


  1. Two circles or one circle?
  2. Year length for Vimshottari Dasha?
  3. Which bhava chart to use?
  4. Geocentric or Topocentric or else?
  5. True positions versus apparent positions
  6. True node versus mean node
  7. Sunrise time and ascendant
  8. Calendar reforms versus astrology

The main aim of the book is to explore the truth. Divided into two parts, the Part I in the new edition is devoted to ayanamsha. It discusses about various ayanamshas, whether we need to go for Surya Siddhanta ganita for astrology purposes and a brief on the author's research work in the final chapter 'Hitting the right ayanamsha' so as to provide solution to the ayanamsha puzzle, once and for all.

Part II is focused on resolving various other issues related to the Indian astrology circle such as vimshottary year length, bhava (house) system, sunrise time, true or mean nodes, true or apparent positions, choice of circle and geocentric or topocentric etc.


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