Each work has to pass through three stages - Ridicule, Opposition and then Acceptance. Those who think ahead of their time are sure to be misunderstood - Swami Vivekanand

Resolving the Indian Calendar Anomalies

'Resolving the Indian Calendar anomalies' is for the ones who are seeking solution to the calendar controversies, once and for all.

A must-read for calendar enthusiasts at any level, it is the first book in the world that explains how adhik maas (the intercalary month) was decided in the Vedic era. The book discusses all the calendar issues and key constituents of Indian calendar before providing the concrete guidelines for resolving the calendar anomalies.

Chapters of the book

  1. Relevant Inputs from The Unanswered
  2. The Calendar Issues
  3. Relevant Inputs from Taming the Untamed
  4. Measures of time
  5. Evolution of naming luni-solar months
  6. Key Constituents of Indian Calendar (I)
  7. Key Constituents of Indian Calendar (II)
  8. Guidelines for reforming the Indian Calendar
  9. Key festivals and rituals

Apart from addressing questions like 'Can we use the tropical rashi ingress for Chaitra etc. months?', sufficiently backed with academic and logical support, the book provides the Author's take on key festivals and rituals in the final chapter.

In addition, two exclusive chapters on the relevant inputs from the author's other two works 'The Unanswered' and 'Taming the Untamed' are included in the book to help readers find everything needed at one place.


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