Calendar Series Article 6 – The Poornima fluctuating zone

I’ve a friend in one of the astrology groups who talks a lot about the poornima fluctuating zone. Ironically, he also proposes that ayanamsha or the precession shall be applied within the range of minus 15 to plus 15 degree so that at VE it always remains the Chaitra month. But if he is asked to explain what is a fluctuating zone, how it works and what is it for and why he would propose a zodiac shift despite the fact that it was not always Chaitra at VE in the past, he has no answer.

I can very well understand why he does not have an answer. Unless and until one has rightly understood the relevant verses, one can’t be in a position to explain how the fluctuating zone works. And before the release of “Taming the Untamed – Edition 1”, the right interpretation of the relevant verses from the Vaidic texts never existed on paper. I spent couple of months in cracking the interpretation of those verses after rejecting all the existing interpretations and commentaries on the said verses and then penned it in “Taming the Untamed – Edition 1 and 2”, which is now in a separate book “Resolving the Indian Calendar Anomalies”. So, nobody would have been in a position to explain the associated nuances before that anyway.

In fact, once one has understood how a fluctuating zone works, one shall not think of proposing any awkward theory of a zodiac shift (that is even against the astronomical facts) or any other out-of-context fancy theory.

Here is in brief how a poornima fluctuating zone works:

The Vaidic people used to follow the Chaitra etc. months and were deriving the seasons out of it. Obviously, as Chaitra etc. months are based on the sidereal framework, one would get different months at VE when the ayanamsha had been in the range of minus 45 to minus 30 degrees. At that time, they were getting both Chaitra and Vaisakha Poornima around VE. So, they specified rules regarding which one to choose so as to follow a tropical year. All the details on this are available in “Resolving the Indian Calendar Anomalies”.

Going further when the ayanamsha reached minus 15 degree, the fluctuating zone would need a shift as Vaisakha shall no longer be there at VE. And this shall continue for every 30 degree shift from there onwards. This is how a poornima fluctuating zone works.

Now since the basic principle of the poornima fluctuating zone rests on observing the two months at VE and those two months are of the sidereal framework, someone who has understood it in the right manner would never dare to suggest Chaitra always at VE. There shall always be two different months (of the sidereal framework, Chaitra etc.) at VE that would trigger the need of shifting the poornima fluctuating zone. In other words, a person who has rightly understood the fluctuating zone would always treat the Chaitra etc. months as sidereal and would know that there can’t be Chaitra always at VE. Those who have ‘Taming the Untamed – Edition 1 and 2’ or ‘Resolving the Indian Calendar Anomalies’ must read the relevant section to understand the details of it. You may have to read twice or thrice since it takes time to grasp the things that were never spoken of earlier.

The poornima fluctuating zone is what is derived from the right interpretation of the said Vaidic verses and does not exist in any ancient text as standalone.

Once one has understood the nuances of the fluctuating zone, one can get the clear picture without any controversy. I’ll close this article with a comment, “The fluctuating zone is for seasons and not Chaitra etc. months. Chaitra etc. months belong only to the sidereal framework”.

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July 27, 2018

Devinder Dhingra

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