Calendar Series Article 7 - Examples of festivals (Excerpts from the book)

In "Resolving the Indian Calendar Anomalies" I've given a list of all the key festivals and how they should be associated in accordance with the guidelines that are derived from the Vaidic and ancient texts and other traditions. In this article, I'm presenting the excerpts from the book for two festivals out of which one needs to be reformed in terms of the timing and the other is okay. This would help the readers to understand in brief how both the sidereal as well as the tropical framework is needed to correctly follow the ancients.

Makar Sankranti and Pongal

If it is a question of celebrating the beginning of a sidereal year, the sidereal Makar sankranti can be celebrated as the New Year. But the problem is many things are mixed up in case of Pongal that is actually a harvest seasonal festival and indicator of uttarayana and hence needs to be celebrated on the tropical Capricorn sankranti i.e. the Winter Solstice day.

So, I propose a reform for Pongal. The sidereal Makar sankranti can be celebrated as the beginning of a sidereal year but independent of Pongal or Uttarayana.

Akshaya Trittiya (Akha Teej)

Celebrated on shukla trittiya (the third day of the bright half) of the month Vaisakha, the festival of Akshaya Trittiya is related to God Parshurama and other religious myths. Moreover, if the Moon is in Rohini nakshatra on the same day, it is considered auspicious and that can happen only in the luni-sidereal-solar month Vaisakha.

So, no change is needed.

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October 2, 2018

Devinder Dhingra

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