Argala - How much we need?

Argala is an intervention. It affects both the house (bhava) in question and the planet in that house. Though the basics of argala involve an argala yoga caused by certain positions, argala is taught by some schools of astrology aggressively. These schools consider even one planet in these positions causing argala and declare the house in question getting affected when dasha of the planet causing argala is running.

But it is not so.

As per BPHS, argala yoga occurs in three ways. First, any planet in 2nd, 4th or 11th from a house causes primary argala yoga. But we need to look for the obstruction part also, as per which, planets opposite to these positions i.e. 12th, 10th and 3rd cancel the effect of argala. Unless and until there are more than 2 planets involved, that too unobstructed, argala yoga is not considered of much importance. It remains feeble.

The second type of argala yoga is called the secondary argala, which occurs from the 5th house. Here too, we have an obstruction from the 9th house, opposite to the 5th house that also needs to be looked into. Argala can be benefic or malefic depending on if the planets causing argala yoga are benefic or malefic. Rahu and Ketu are considered in reverse, i.e. they cause argala from houses 12th, 10th, 3rd and 9th and cause obstruction from 2nd, 4th, 11th and 5th houses.

The third argala yoga is related to the 3rd house. If there are three or more malefics in the 3rd house from any house, the combination causes a benefic argala on that house.

It is very clear from the relevant slokas that involvement of more than 2 planets, net of obstructing planets, is required to consider an argala yoga to cause something significant. One needs to be cautious and look for the alternate indicators in the chart to understand the situation better than merely relying on any planet in the mentioned argala positions to hit the target.

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July 25, 2017

Devinder Dhingra

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