Calendar Series Article 5 – Don’t fool yourself

If there is a mirage ahead and one says there was no water, it’s understandable. If there is a pond in front of him and yet he says there was no water in it, it is still understandable as there may be some chances that the pond had something else that looked like water. But what if I take water out from the pond, drink it in front of him and then give it to him? He can now check himself that it was water, feel it and taste it. But if he still says it was not water, there can be two reasons. Either he is a politician sitting in the opposition or he’s fooling himself.

In the previous two articles of the calendar series, I explained with substantial support how it was not always Chaitra month at VE and how a pure sidereal calendar is also wrong. For example, Uttarayana and Dakshinayana were always followed as the tropical phenomena. And Chaitra etc. months had always been the sidereal. Now, even after that, if someone insists that it is not so, he is fooling himself and nobody else. Those who have either the old editions of ‘Taming the Untamed” (Edition 1 and 2) or ‘Resolving the Indian Calendar Anomalies’ in their library can refer to the detailed discussion on this topic with many more references.

Please don’t fool yourself if it doesn’t fit your schema of things and if you’re unable to understand the simple things in the previous two articles. Have guts to accept what’s clearly visible. Show us if you’ve proofs that the ancients always kept Chaitra at VE or the ancients had anything called a sidereal uttarayana and dakshinayana.

Please don’t fool yourself if you’re unable to understand the high level yuga figure of 4320K years and if it doesn’t fit your schema of things. Show willingness to learn how it had been so instead of damaging the verses.

Please don’t fool yourself if you’re unable to understand that the basic revolution circle cannot be tropical in size especially when even modern science specifies the orbital parameters of the planets with respect to the sidereal framework. Have fire inside to learn the associated intricacies.

Please don’t fool yourself just for nothing because at the end of the day, you’re only cramping yourself if you defy the truth.

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July 23, 2018

Devinder Dhingra

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