Privacy Policy -


Here we list our policies regarding how the data is collected, used and disclosed at

Traffic Analysis and Ad servers:

From time to time, we may use 3rd party services such as Google Analytics (a service offered by Google) to track the traffic on our website ( These services are owned by the respective service providers and they may collect the data to run their services, for example, Google Analytics may collect the data and share it with other Google services to make their services personalized and better. You can opt out of Google Analytics by visiting here.

Similarly, we may serve ads on our webpages from third parties, such as Google Adsense or certain Affiliate marketing. These companies may collect and use information such as your IP address, your clickstream, your name, address et cetera. Google may collect data to personalize and conceptualize the ads. Some of them may set cookies. You can opt out of such cookies, for example for Google, you may do so by visiting here.
For more information, you may visit the Google Privacy and Terms at Google Privacy.

Third Party Sites:

If you click on a third-party link from our website, you will be directed to the respective websites that are not operated by us. We advise and recommend you to review the privacy policy of each site you visit, for we have no control over such sites and thus assume no responsibility in this regard. However, you may send us any feedback about these sites by contacting us via email.
The same applies to any embedded content from other websites.


We are not employing any cookies at our website.


We may collect the information of the users who voluntarily communicate with us via e-mail or post any message to us otherwise using the site. The information is used only to serve them better, inform them about updates on our website and improve the web content et cetera. The information is not shared with any third party.

If you do not wish to receive email from us, you can contact us to opt-out by sending an email.

The above policy is only for online usage and effective from September 27, 2022

We may change our privacy policy from time to time and whenever it is done, we shall notify you here on this page by updating the above policy accordingly.


For any clarification, you can reach us at




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