Choosing a business name

May 16, 2023
DD Planet

Selecting a right business name is important for both brand creation as well as grabbing customers.

Here are quick tips to help you on choosing a business name that would work well in ensuring success:

    1. Think long-term and vastly. Do not pick a name that is confined to a limited area or products. At the same time, the name should be able to convey what your business intends to do.
    2. Follow the guidelines set by the authorities and choose a name that is available and conforms to the rules specified therein. For example, in India you may visit for details on standards.
    3. Do not choose a name that is too difficult to pronounce or spell.
    4. Do not select a name that is too similar to your business competitors. Create your own uniqueness and identity.
    5. Make sure you feel happy with the business name you choose, for it would provide you with enough motivation.
    6. If need be, you may take the help of your friends, close relatives and even your clients to suggest you some names. Alternatively, you may explore the online services provided by some websites, such as Namelix business name generator, Shopify Business Name Generator and Squadhelp.
    7. Do a thorough research and pick a name that is not highly searchable on the internet.
    8. We live in the web world today. Therefore, choose a name that has a domain available to your liking. It is always a plus if you have the right kind of web site name which is in accordance with your business name.
    9. Make sure the business name you choose is catchy and sounds good when people hear it. You may ask for feedback from some people you trust.




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