Choosing the domain name of your website

July 21, 2023
DD Planet

The domain name (the name that you type in the search bar of a browser to access a site) for your business website is extremely important since in this online world, it provides an identity to your business.

Here are the tips and advice to help you choose a good domain name:

    1. The domain name should be unique and at the same time reflect your brand, the product or service you are providing and what it intends to do (a visitor should be able to get an idea what it is from the first look itself).
    2. Be creative. Choose a distinctive name. Do a Google search and make sure it doesn’t match any other popular brand or violates any trademark rights.
    3. Select a name that is easy-to-remember, simple and clear.
    4. The name should be catchy and easy to spell and pronounce.
    5. Choose a name that is concise – short but not too short.
    6. Think long-term, what products you intend to add in the near future. Do not select a name based on just your initial services or offering.
    7. You may use SEO keywords to shortlist a name that serves your purpose as well as meets your other requirements as stated above.
    8. Do not go with numbers or hyphens unless it is mandatory and you’ve no other choice.
    9. You may use online domain name generator sites to get some ideas.
    10. You may also seek feedback from some trusted guys to finalise your name.
    11. Though .com TLD extension is desirable, we can choose other Top-Level Domain extensions like .net, .org or country specific extensions such as .in or .us as well. The most important is the main name.
    12. Once you’ve finalised your name, do not wait to buy it. Act immediately.
    13. If the domain name you want is already taken by someone else and is unused, you may explore buying it from the owner if it is feasible and available at a reasonable price. Alternatively, you may go with some other name.
    14. If budget is not an issue and your business has a wider scope, purchase all the major TLD extensions that are available. You may always redirect the traffic of all other extensions to your main extension, say .com.




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