Organizing office

May 19, 2023
DD Planet

After you have commenced your business, you need to set up an office, even when it is from home and a small place to begin with.

Here are quick tips to help you organize your office:

    1. Your office area should be clean and distinctly visible.
    2. The entrance to your office should have a visual appeal and there should be a reception area if your business involves regular customer interactions.
    3. The reception area should have proper sitting arrangements for visitors. You can keep a newspaper, magazine and water facilities in this area.
    4. You need to ensure that all the desks in your office area are properly arranged and the chairs are ergonomically designed.
    5. It is better to have an IN tray and OUT tray at the desks that involve a lot of paperwork.
    6. Your office should have a centralized printer, placed at a suitable location that is easily accessible to all.
    7. If your office has more than ten employees, the name of employees and their departments should clearly be mentioned alongside their desks.
    8. All types of stationery items shall be made available at a designated place under the supervision of an admin employee.
    9. Basic facilities like tea, water and coffee shall be available in hygienic conditions.
    10. It’s better to provide separate lockers to each and every employee.
    11. Hide the wires.
    12. Cultivate the habit of going paperless in order to reduce the printing tasks.
    13. Automate the common tasks like maintaining an inventory for office supplies. Invest in suitable software.




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