Selecting a Business partner

May 09, 2023
DD Planet

When you have decided to enter into a partnership business, you need to be very careful in choosing your business partners, for a wrong partner can ruin your business idea altogether.

Here are the tips that will help you select a right business partner:

    1. Your business partner should have the same level of interest in the business you wish to do. When the goals are common and passion level is the same, your business partner would also give his hundred percent in the business.
    2. There should exist a perfect synergy between you and your business partner, so that there is good understanding and relationship between the two of you.
    3. You should be comfortable with the style of working of your business partner and vice-versa.
    4. The integrity of your business partner should be high. He or she should be fully transparent in the business dealing.
    5. There should exist a strong communication and trust between the two of you.
    6. Complimentary skills, such as one being good in marketing and other being a technical or financial expert, are always desirable in a business partnership. Therefore, look for this quality in your business partner. A right mix of strategic thinking and operational understanding always works.
    7. You both should share the same vision of the business you are doing or wish to do.
    8. The chemistry between the two of you should be such that you are able to complete each other’s statement at any point of time related to your business operations.
    9. Your business partner should be knowledgeable and provide sufficient information when business decisions are to be taken. Intellectual compatibility is always a plus point.
    10. Your business partner should be effective in business operation and decision making. If your business partner can bring along a rich experience in the line of business you wish to do or are doing, nothing like that.
    11. There should not exist any power fighting between the two of you. You both should share a common understanding on who would be the overall leader and who would look after which areas of operation.
    12. Last but not the least, you should have a well-written partnership agreement with well-defined exit clauses.




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