Creating basic infrastructure for a small business

June 06, 2023
DD Planet

A small business doesn’t need a full-fledged office; however, some basic infrastructure is a must in this technology world we’re currently living in.

Here are quick tips to help you have a basic infrastructure in place:

    1. Invest in a desktop computer or laptop, a printer-cum-scanner and a basic speaker. Make sure your computer has in-built Wi-fi and Bluetooth. If it doesn’t, buy the two adapters as well for wi-fi and Bluetooth.
    2. If it is a desktop instead of laptop, you need to invest in a headset and a web camera as well.
    3. To start, you need to have at least one dedicated mobile phone for your business.
    4. Create dedicated email ids for your business on any email service provider platform/platforms, such as Gmail.
    5. Get installed a stable internet connection with sufficient bandwidth capacity. If your business cannot run without the internet, you need to have a backup internet connection as well. Your mobile internet may also serve as a secondary backup in this case if data volume is not that large.
    6. Create your online presence by having a website of your own, especially if your business market is driven by an online presence.
    7. If your business is online, you need to have a social media presence. Therefore, create your business handle at the major social media platforms, such as facebook, Instagram, twitter and Google.




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