Starting an e-business effectively

June 09, 2023
DD Planet

An e-business is not just launching a website and putting content on it. To make it effective, you need to have a strategy in place.

Here are the tips to help you build a successful e-business:

    1. Check your finances before you enter an e-venture and budget it well.
    2. Choose a field that interests you and where your passion lies.
    3. Properly research the area to find out how the things work, and understand each bit and byte of your business before you begin.
    4. Write down your business model, a detailed business plan. If need be, take the help of a professional.
    5. Choose the right hosting package for your website from a well-known established hosting provider. Since your business is fully dependent on it, never compromise on it or choose free service providers. Based on your initial customer targets for the next two years, you need to choose a package, which needs to be further enhanced as and when your business grows.
    6. Formulate a detailed marketing strategy.
    7. Start marketing before you go live. Register your business at all the related forums and popular media that fall within your budget from day one.
    8. Design your website properly. Take the help of experts if need be.
    9. Check all the pages that you wish to go live in the initial stage and make sure everything is proper before launching your website.
    10. Use the right images and give detailed information about your product and services.
    11. Get your website responsive and SEO optimized.
    12. Have at least one dedicated mobile phone number and email id for your business.
    13. Gain visibility and business edge by promoting your site using all means that fall within your budget. Run a marketing campaign from time to time. Take the help of professional companies if money is not an issue.
    14. It would always be better if you have a few customers beforehand.
    15. Be professional in your approach.
    16. If you’re short of funds, do not hesitate to approach potential investors and lenders.
    17. Utilize all the government schemes that are of use to your business. Also, you should be aware of all legalities and tax issues regarding your business.
    18. Seek feedback from your clients regularly and keep on improving every day.
    19. Remember patience is the key to a successful business.




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