Cracking Interview: Preparing for standard things

August 2, 2023
DD Planet

Interview is a major interaction in getting a job offer. Though we cannot envisage all that would be asked, there are a few things that are standard ones and we should prepare in advance to get that extra edge.

Here are the tips and advice to help you tighten your seatbelt for cracking a job interview:

  1. Do your homework properly. You must understand the job description thoroughly and read about the company profile.
  2. If the interview is for a senior level post, you will be asked more about leadership and management, while if it is for a junior level, you’ll be asked more about technical and other skills.
  3. Concentrate on your strengths and not weaknesses. Everybody has one or the other weakness.
  4. Be honest in answering the questions. Use smartness only where it is feasible and where it can work smoothly. It is all right if you do not know the answers to a few questions. Show your willingness to learn.
  5. Use every opportunity to show how your skills and knowledge can be useful to the company and also that you’re looking for a long-term association.
  6. Keep your objectives clear. Be precise in answering, however, wherever it demands an explanation, spend time speaking the details.
  7. Display confidence, calmness and listening skills wherever needed. If a question is unclear to you, ask politely to repeat.
  8. Be prepared for some out-of-box questions as well.
  9. For some standard questions related to your previous job and job-change, read the following two articles: Reasons for a job-change and Why did you quit your previous job?
  10. You may also get certain tips clicking here which are specific for a first job interview but parts of which are valid everywhere.
  11. Do not argue or beg for the job.
  12. Do not be afraid to ask about the job in detail and any doubts or questions you’ve in mind related to the job profile you’re being interviewed for. Prepare in advance.
  13. Do not be shy to negotiate your salary, other perks and position outright if you reach this stage in an interview.
  14. End the interview on a positive note.
  15. Don’t get disheartened if you do not make it. Use every failure as a learning platform.




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