What to seek and avoid when looking for a job-change

February 14, 2023
DD Planet

Changing a job is part of career progression.

Here are a few tips what to seek and avoid while making such a move:

  1. Do not look for just the jump in salary. Work culture and environment is far more important.
  2. Research enough. Talk to people working in the same company. Gather feedback about the organization, culture, structure and so on.
  3. Know about your job-description and role thoroughly.
  4. Identify your core strengths and what you like to do.
  5. Analyse the growth prospects in the prospective company.
  6. Negotiate well and to your best, both in terms of growth as well as perks.
  7. Be realistic in your expectations. You must know about the current market scenario in your industry.
  8. You must be aware of the business condition of your prospective employer. Can it survive in the next five years?
  9. Never believe that the job title that you are being offered is at the same level as it exists in your company. In some organizations, the ‘Technical Executive’ title may be higher than a ‘Technical Manager’ in some other organizations.
  10. Do not make haste decisions. Wait for the right opportunity.
  11. Do not think that the job role that you are being offered has a similar kind of responsibilities in the new organization. Here, the company size and structure matter a lot.
  12. Never think short term. Always judge the prospective employer strategically for a reasonable duration.




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