Leaving your job? The checklist

August 11, 2023
DD Planet

After you’ve found a new job, some important things need to be kept in mind before and after you resign from your existing job.

Here are the tips and advice to help you follow a checklist on leaving your job:

  1. Prepare a formal resignation letter thanking your existing organisation and specifying a personal reason behind you quitting the job.
  2. Give proper notice and keep the notice period at the maximum you can accommodate.
  3. Remember, in almost every organisation you need to pay for the shortfall if you wish to serve for a period less than the specified notice duration in your employment contract. The other way around, be prepared as you may be asked to leave before the specified notice period and offered the salary in lieu of it even if you’ve indicated that you’re willing to serve the complete duration.
  4. Save your personal and the other data you need at the earliest on a cloud network or a drive.
  5. Do not tell your colleagues that you’re resigning before you’ve submitted the formal resignation to your boss and possibly had a word with him/her.
  6. If your boss makes a lucrative offer to retain you, do not act immediately. Give it some time, at least a couple of days, and think about all the pros and cons.
  7. If you had a working bond with your existing company, make sure you’ve fulfilled its exit clause.
  8. Start archiving your work and cleaning your office computer and mobile etc.
  9. Discuss handover plans with your boss.
  10. Do not forget to complete finance and HR related formalities to avail all the final payments and benefits that you’re entitled for before making a move.
  11. Leave on a positive note. Most probably you may be asked to fill or attend an exit interview that you may utilise to raise your major concern, if any. Otherwise, do not bad mouth anybody.
  12. Since you're leaving on good terms, you may ask for recommendations from your bosses.
  13. Make sure you pass all the work-related knowledge and things to the right people and make it a smooth transition.
  14. Handover all the official documents, gadgets and other things properly.
  15. Shoot an email thanking everybody who helped you during your stay on your last working day.
  16. You may always throw a party to the ones close to you to strengthen your relationship.
  17. Do not forget to transfer your provident fund and pension accounts and start the related formalities right after you have joined the new organisation.




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