Improving typing speed

May 15, 2023
DD Planet

Typing speed is important at times as it saves our time. And if you’re into a profession that involves a large amount of typing, it becomes an utmost necessity.

Here are some quick tips to help you increase your typing speed:

  1. Of course, the first and most important step is practice. Make it a habit to practice for a few hours daily in the initial stage and reduce as you improve your typing skills.
  2. Type all the alphabets. For example, in the case of English, the old sentence “Quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” works well even today since it has all the English alphabets in it. You may phrase any sentence of your choice that consists of all the alphabets and even the most used characters like full stop, coma, hyphen, and numbers from 0 to 9.
  3. You may go for an online typing tutor assistance. Simply type ‘typing tutor' in Google search and select any of the top websites that appear in the result.
  4. Do not compromise the accuracy while increasing your speed. Remember, the less corrections you would need the more time you shall save in the end.
  5. Go slow. Do not expect to achieve a top speed on day one. Keep in mind that it would take time to reach your goal and practice is the only option to reach there.
  6. For variety and interest, select any random article from a newspaper or a book or from a website and start typing it.
  7. Review what you have typed regularly and take corrective action wherever needed.
  8. Make sure your sitting posture and hand placement makes you comfortable at the keyboard.
  9. After the initial practice period is over, stop looking at the keyboard and concentrate rather on what you are typing.




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