Managing a job loss

June 26, 2023
DD Planet

A job loss can occur to anybody at any stage of their careers these days. Of course, it is an intense emotional situation to cope with, but there is no other alternative than to face this reality and move ahead.

Here are the tips to help you tackle a job loss situation:

  1. Accept that you’ve been laid off. Share your worries with your family and close friends.
  2. Take a break for a few days for emotional stability.
  3. Review your finances. Make changes wherever it is needed – be it altering your home budget, your loans, your entertainment expenses or anything else.
  4. Learn some stress management techniques. Perform breathing exercises to relax yourself. Visit 'Keeping your mental health intact' for relevant tips.
  5. Stay motivated. Visit sections like ‘Motivate-Inspire’ to fuel positive energy in you.
  6. Do not wait to update your resume and get in touch with the prospective employers and job consultants. Explore your network and be aggressive in your job search.
  7. Set a daily routine for yourself and stay physically active.
  8. Believe in yourself and be kind when self-criticism strikes your mind. Self-care is important.
  9. Read books like ‘Sack Me If you Wish’, which is comprehensive in preparing you for coping with such situations.




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