The signs that indicate you should go for a job-change

April 15, 2023
DD Planet

In our career, at times, we need to make a job-change for betterment. When should that happen? How can you smell that need?

Here are the tips on the signs that demand such a decision from you:

  1. Your job is becoming monotonous and there is no chance of any improvement in future.
  2. You are being side-lined and denied promotion while your peers are getting it.
  3. You are underpaid. The market can pay you much higher.
  4. You don’t feel like going to the office. The reason could be the quality of your job or the office environment or equation with your boss.
  5. Your organization has no growth.
  6. Your job is over-stretched and you don’t find time to spend with your family.
  7. Your job is not aligned to your career goals and there is no opportunity in sight in your organization that can help you with it.
  8. Most of the time you think about making a move.
  9. Your job-responsibilities do not tally with the kind of skills and talent you have.
  10. You feel like compromising every day and cannot take it any longer.




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