Tighten your seat-belt for a job-change

April 6, 2023
DD Planet

Job-change is a usual affair for a career progression and even otherwise. When you’ve decided for a change, you need to prepare for it.

Here are a few tips to help you with planning the desired job-change:

  1. The first thing, of course, is your Resume. You need to spend time on it. Write down your experience and skillset you have in detail, highlighting the key points. If you have some information about the post you’re applying for, highlight the areas that fulfil the employer’s job-description.
  2. The next is what you are looking for. You need to be ultra-clear on the kind of job you’re looking for.
  3. If the market is looking for certain skills that you don’t have, waste no time in learning those skills at the earliest. You may even shift to some project within your existing organization to gain that extra edge.
  4. The next is posting your resume at the key websites like Naukri.com, professional networking sites such as linkedin.com and so on.
  5. Get in touch with some key job consultants and recruiters who can provide you with the kind of roles you’re looking for in your industry. For senior level posts, consultants play a greater role.
  6. If some alerts are available at some sites, opt for job-alerts specifying the job-type you are searching for.
  7. Widen your information network. Your friends and professional network in the industry you work may help you in knowing when a suitable vacancy arises in the companies in which they work.
  8. You need to make a schedule for aggressive job-searching. This could be even on the weekends if you are too busy in your existing job during other days, but you will have to do it.
  9. Don’t change your job for the sake of it. Analyse properly your existing role and the role that is available with the prospective employer.




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