Why did you leave your previous job: Cracking Interview

July 18, 2023
DD Planet

‘Why did you leave your previous job?’ is a common but difficult question in interviews. While there could be any reason in reality, you have to be prepared to answer it in such a way that your reply fits the bill.

Here are the tips and advice to help you answer this question in a right manner:

  1. ‘I quit for a better job’ - If you were offered a comparatively better salary or a better profile, this could be your answer.
  2. ‘I was passed over for promotion despite giving my best’ – If your performance appraisal was the reason for you quitting the job.
  3. ‘I quit for a better environment’ – If it is publicly known that the company you had been working for had a bad culture or atmosphere.
  4. ‘The job was not matching my skills’ – If you were in a role that was not fitting your personality and talent.
  5. 'It was a poor fit for my long-term career goals’ – this could be your answer if the role in your previous job was quite limited in scope and the next one offered you a growth path.
  6. ‘Their odd working schedules were hampering my personal life or health greatly’ – if you were in a job that had long night hours or something similar.
  7. ‘I was underutilised’ - If you have more qualifications and eligibility, a way above what your job profile was.
  8. ‘I was looking for a full-time job’ – If that job was a part-time one.
  9. ‘I was looking for a part-time job’ – If you moved from a full-time job to a part-time one.
  10. ‘I was laid off’ – If the world is fully aware of a retrenchment exercise that was conducted then. Alternatively, if you were fired, be diplomatic in answering.
  11. ‘I wanted to shift to my home city’ – If the job change involved the location change as well.
  12. ‘The company’s business was in doldrums’ – If the situation of your ex-company was bad and it was known in the market too.
  13. ‘I was changing my career path’ – If the change you had justifies your answer.




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