Maintaining home garden effectively

June 3, 2023
DD Planet

Once you have cultivated your garden, it is important to maintain it regularly. By following some simple methods and precautions one can add more pleasure to gardening.

Here are the tips to help you maintain your garden:

  1. Check the soil regularly. Check it thoroughly and remove any unwanted elements like bushes.
  2. Dig the soil when it is out of order to ensure proper air is passed through it, and then smoothen it. Take the aid of spading fork and bow tools.
  3. Water the plants daily as much as it is required individually. A watering can with a long nozzle is ideal for watering.
  4. The soil requirement for each plant is different. Ensure it is as per specifications.
  5. Use tea leaves (used) or organic best quality manure to enrich the soil.
  6. Use a hoe tool to cultivate the soil and weed the plants to avoid germs.
  7. Trim the plants from time to time whenever they look shabby. Use a garden shears tool for clipping and shaping.
  8. If your garden has trees and shrubs, you may need a round ended shovel tool.
  9. Use the hydroponics method (growing plants with a water-based nutrient solution instead of soil) for plants with roots.
  10. Ensure proper sunlight and proper lighting (LED or fluorescent depending on your budget) in the garden. Remember, overexposure to sunlight is also bad for certain plants; keep them under a shade.
  11. Do not walk on the wet soil, especially if it is clay soil.
  12. Keep on beautifying your garden from time to time by removing the unfit ones and adding new plants.
  13. Take the help of a professional whenever needed.




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