How to write good articles?

Septemeber 9, 2023
DD Planet

When you’re planning or wish to write an article, you need to know certain simple things so that your article makes an impact, is readable and is correct to the best of your knowledge.

Here are the tips and advice to help you write an impressive article:

  1. It is always better that you practise writing for some time before entering the arena. You can do it by rewriting a few pieces in your own words that would teach you how to write concisely and in flow.
  2. Never write for the sake of writing.
  3. Choose the topic wisely and research thoroughly the subject on which you wish to write.
  4. Do not plagiarise. Be creative and original.
  5. Have the target audience in mind and use appropriate language to connect with them.
  6. Keep a good opening as well as closing sentence.
  7. If writing for online delivery, add some keywords in your article so as to make it SEO friendly.
  8. Do not write long paragraphs. As a thumb rule, try to finish the paragraph within 5-6 sentences at the maximum.
  9. The flow in your article should keep the reader’s interest alive, i.e., the transition from one paragraph to the other must be smooth and naturally flowing.
  10. Use bullet points wherever it is feasible to convey the information better.
  11. Do not forget to check your article for grammatical errors. Conduct proper proof-reading.
  12. Edit the article thoroughly for corrections and make it a quality writing.




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