How to avoid comparison to others?

August 25, 2023
DD Planet

Comparing self with others comes naturally to us. If it is in a positive way, it has potential to give us growth, however, if it comes in a negative way, it only does harm to us.

Here are the tips and advice to help you avoid comparing to others:

  1. Learn to look down as well and start counting your blessings. We all are born with some unique traits.
  2. Put a stop to self-criticism. Remember it is not your job to judge yourself. Concentrate on creating the best and let others do their jobs.
  3. Identify what triggers negative comparison in you and avoid them.
  4. Take regular breaks from social media.
  5. Remind yourself that nobody is born perfect and you’ve your own weaknesses. Acknowledge them and turn them to your advantage.
  6. Shift your focus on your strengths and improvement instead.
  7. Learn to appreciate others.
  8. Get inspired from others, rather than feeling bad.
  9. Practice meditation and be grateful for what you have.




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