Developing Mind Control

June 08, 2023
DD Planet

Mind control is the most difficult thing to do. However, with effort and practice we can certainly achieve success in it.

Here are the tips to help you control your mind:

  1. Identify what causes negative thoughts in you and avoid those triggers.
  2. Get involved in meditation. Visualize a positive scenario to calm your mind.
  3. Change your viewpoint about a situation to bring your mind on a positive track.
  4. Avoid unnecessary analysis that leads us nowhere. Accept that the past has passed and nothing can be changed in it. Your present situation can never answer truly if a decision taken earlier was worth it or not, anything can change in future too.
  5. Perform yoga and pranayama (breathing exercises) for a few minutes daily to relax your mind.
  6. Think good about yourself to maintain and improve your self-esteem instead of self-criticism.
  7. Let your mind relax for some time during the day. Take regular breaks.
  8. Write down your thoughts and feelings to elevate your mood and get rid of unwanted worries.
  9. Distract yourself from unwanted situations by indulging in the activities that interest you or by talking to your friends and family.
  10. Listen to relaxing music every day, reserving a time slot for it.
  11. Always believe that time would heal each and everything. Therefore, keep patience.
  12. Have faith in God. If you have doubts regarding God, treat the spirit within you as God and you’ll find answers yourself.




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