Thinking of giving up? Read this

July 28, 2023
DD Planet

Life may lead us to certain situations when we feel like quitting. Is giving up a solution? We may not always find a positive answer in these circumstances.

Here are the tips and advice to help you tackle such a situation when you think of giving up:

  1. Remember that life is full of struggles and we have to fight several battles to survive. The situation you’re currently facing is temporary and so temporary is your discomfort.
  2. Keep in mind that good work done is never a waste. Life is all about doing your duty (karma) as Shri Krishna wrote in Bhagvad Geeta. Therefore, act and leave the rest to Him.
  3. Concentrate on getting rid of obstacles rather than calling it quits. Life doesn’t finish anywhere.
  4. You’re unique and worthy as you have always been. Rather than what others think of you, what you think of you is only important.
  5. Accept your past, live your present, plan your future – this should be your motto.
  6. Relax your mind, take a walk, do some exercise or yoga and spend some time in meditation.
  7. Be kind to yourself and stop judging. You’re a human and at the most you can try your best.
  8. It’s just your present mental frame that is not in your favour. You actually are a person who loves to fight till your last breath.
  9. Imaging a pleasant future to fuel positivity in you.
  10. Have a proper nutritious diet and drink enough water.
  11. Sing, dance, spend time on your hobbies.
  12. Spend some time with your near and dear ones.
  13. Read some motivational quotes or literature.




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