Nurturing self-motivation

April 11, 2023
DD Planet

Self-motivation is all about our inner drive to take action so that the desired goal could be accomplished.

Here are a few tips to help you keep your self-motivation high:

  1. Define your purpose. Why do you want to consider a particular task? The purpose may be earning money but not necessarily; the purpose could be inner peace, a feeling of satisfaction, to help others and so on. Sometimes the purpose could even be your health.
  2. Be fully responsible. Own your failure as much as your success. Once you take the lead, you take charge of your actions.
  3. Make self-motivation a routine. When you choose certain tasks for any day, and it becomes your habit for sufficient duration, you will feel naturally inclined to it and feel motivated. To avoid tiredness, it’s best to choose certain different activities for your weekends.
  4. Make a start towards your goal. You can do it. The beginning is important and many times, we learn a lot after we have begun and things start falling in place automatically.
  5. In the event of feeling demotivated or bored, move your body. Spend some time on your hobbies. Listen to your favourite music, move your feet a little. Once our body comes into action, we get mentally engaged naturally, our stress reduces and we feel self-motivated.
  6. Plan for your goals and be realistic. Choose a goal that is appropriate to your capabilities. Keep in mind that we feel motivated when the task is neither too difficult nor too easy for us as an individual.
  7. Remember we are human and we make mistakes. Therefore, don’t be harsh on yourself when things go wrong. Good time will definitely come to you at the right time.
  8. Don’t forget to celebrate your small wins.
  9. Morning walks, meditation, yoga and exercising will definitely help you uplift your mood and remain stress-free.
  10. Teach your mind to shun negativity. Stay positive and hopeful. Instead of negatively thinking about yourself, spend time on improving yourself and learning whatever you can.
  11. Change your environment to the one that suits you and instils positivity in you.
  12. Go step-by-step. Concentrate on one task at a time. Remain focussed.
  13. Be creative.
  14. Sleep on time. A wonderful sleep will keep you motivated automatically.
  15. Do not let negative outcomes affect you. Remember setbacks are temporary. Learn from it, continue your efforts and move ahead strongly. Tell your mind that good work will not go to waste and success will definitely follow in future.




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