Overcoming self-doubt

May 26, 2023
DD Planet

While a little bit of self-doubt is normal and can make you work harder, it should not be holding you back at any stage. Therefore, it becomes important that we keep it within safe limits.

Here are the tips to help you overcome your self-doubt:

  1. Accept yourself the way you’re. Self-improvement should be your goal, never self-criticism beyond a healthy point.
  2. Learn from your failures but do not live in the past.
  3. Do not compare yourself to others. Rather compete with yourself.
  4. What you think about yourself is more important than what others think of you.
  5. It is always better to try, even when it is uncomfortable, than not trying at all. Win over your negative thoughts and take a step ahead hoping for the best.
  6. Let negative thoughts not become your habit. And if it has become so, always believe that you can undo it with effort and discipline.
  7. Infuse positive energy within you all the time. Listen to motivating music and lectures, read motivational books or articles, if need be.
  8. Just because the path is difficult and others have failed does not mean you should stop. Remember there are many who have succeeded too.
  9. People don’t have so much time to think about you. Therefore, you can freely chase your goals without thinking what would happen if you failed.
  10. Surround yourself with people who support you and your ideas.
  11. Count your past achievements to motivate yourself.
  12. Make a start even when you don’t know how to. Many things fall in place automatically when we just make a move ahead. The only failure is not starting at all.
  13. Do alternate nostril breathing pranayama technique of yoga regularly to relax your mind.




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