How to Overcome fear

June 30, 2023
DD Planet

Fear can occur at times. A little bit of fear for certain things such as fear of exams is desirable too but when the fear becomes a problem, we need to act on it. Fear of death, fear of catching diseases, fear of failure, fear of rejection and fear of uncertainty are quite common.

Here are the tips and advice to overcome your fears:

  1. Acknowledge your fears. Do not fear them. Overcoming fear is a gradual process and you can certainly achieve it.
  2. Learn about what causes fear in you. Identify the triggers and work towards eliminating the root cause.
  3. Remember that everything around you changes. So shall change your viewpoint and your fear. Don’t let your fear be a threat to you, rather treat it as a temporary thing in your life.
  4. Learn from your failures. Failures are better teachers than successes. Embrace your pains since they are elements of growth.
  5. Distract yourself from the fear causing thoughts by doing activities that interest you.
  6. Do meditation, mindfulness and relaxation techniques. Observing your breath and senses, perform deep and slow breathing (you may even place your palm on your stomach while doing so) and focus your mind.
  7. Imagine positive scenarios. Stop negative thinking and overcome your self-doubt. Visit Overcoming self-doubt to learn how.
  8. Have faith. Pray to God.
  9. Ask yourself how you would have advised if your friend or family member was facing a similar situation. Do not be afraid of seeking help from your loved ones.
  10. Eat healthy, exercise, go for a walk and sleep well.
  11. Avoid alcohol and drugs.
  12. Seek the help of a professional if nothing works for you.
  13. Keep patience and do not be hard on yourself.




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