How to boost self-esteem?

February 11, 2023
DD Planet

Self-esteem is directly responsible for how you feel about yourself and your confidence.

Here are a few tips to keep your self-esteem up at all times:

  1. Count your achievements
  2. Don’t be critical about yourself, don’t be harsh to yourself. Stay kind. Everyone makes mistakes at times
  3. Always believe you have something special that others don’t have. Find out where you are good at
  4. Don’t compare yourself to others
  5. Keep company of people who are positive and supportive
  6. Set goals that are realistic and celebrate every small success
  7. Focus on what is within your control
  8. Exercise regularly
  9. Spend time with family and friends
  10. Pursue your hobbies, learn new skills
  11. Replace negative thoughts with a positive stream of feelings
  12. Do something creative
  13. Consider failure as a step to growth
  14. Face your fear, be assertive
  15. Challenge yourself, be ready to look outside your comfort zone




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