Social Media: the healthy way

February 10, 2023
DD Planet

Social media has become an integral part of our life these days. It is becoming a necessity.

Here are a few tips how we can make use of it in a healthy way:

  1. Identify the authentic sources of information; get educated and remain updated.
  2. Whenever feeling lonely, spend some time online to get relief from stress.
  3. Get in touch with friends and create a virtual social circle that can meet your social needs to some extent.
  4. Join some groups that interest you, however only the ones where you find healthy information and actually would like to interact.
  5. Promote good stories and spread awareness whenever you see some wrong information.
  6. Share your happiness and sorrows with others. It helps sometimes. Share anything – your music, your travel, your hobby, your outgoing with family, whatever.
  7. Undoubtedly, for businesses, social media is becoming a great tool. Therefore, use it regularly and effectively if you’re in a business that demands so, for it would help you create a brand value, may provide you website traffic and eventually lead you to get more clients




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