Social Media - what not to do?

February 11, 2023
DD Planet

Social media is beneficial but at the same time becomes a problem if someone overuses it.

Here are some tips on what you should avoid while using the social media:

  1. Don’t overindulge in it. Take regular breaks from time to time. Too much screen time may be harmful.
  2. Relax your eyes and feel the world around you.
  3. Balance your online time with sufficient amount of offline-activities
  4. Don’t overdo it. Give equal importance to other means of building relationships.
  5. Maintain your privacy. Don’t disclose beyond a limit in all respects.
  6. Avoid it at night. Let it not cause sleeping problems.
  7. Always keep in mind that emotional intimacy is never complete with just online interactions.
  8. Don’t let social media be your addiction.
  9. Stay away from the posts that may disrupt your peace, such as trolling, or cause distress to you.
  10. Stay away from unnecessary and wasteful information.
  11. Let not social media affect your skills. Don’t rely on it for each and everything.
  12. From a business perspective, social media may affect the image of a business if negative feedback is not handled properly or if sales are pushed without actual involvement. If you are active on social media, take it seriously.




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