An Interactive Whatsapp group with restrictions

February 12, 2023
DD Planet

Sometimes making an interactive whatsapp group is a necessity; a group where only Admin can send messages is not enough. Take for example, an RWA group, the group in which constant feedback is desirable, and so on like that.

If such groups are created with free-flowing information from both ends, unnecessary posts cause hurdles, eventually leading to some people quitting and others losing interest.

Here are the tips for creating such groups with certain specified rules

so that the goal is met as well as decorum is maintained:

  1. Have no tolerance for name-calling, abuse, obscenity et cetera. Warn the concerned group member when the wrong is done for the first time, bar for ten days the second time, then by one month (the exact duration can be decided by the group admins).
  2. Ask members to not post any social or generic posts. If a member indulges in sending irrelevant material again and again, follow the warning route as specified in point 1 above.
  3. Keep only right members in the group, for example, in the case of RWA, no other resident should be allowed; only the real members and co-owners of a property should be the part of the group. If a member is unable or unwilling to be in the group, he or she may be allowed to nominate a family member in place of them, but in that case, only one of them should be in the group.
  4. If the Admin removes someone, they have to specify the reason in the whatsapp group and make a note of it in their records.
  5. If a member wants to leave the group, he/she should duly inform the group specifying the reason.
  6. A member who exited or was expelled from the group, can be made member again on request after the specified duration of barring is over.
  7. All the admin members must also be treated on a par with a non-admin group member when it comes to following the rules, which means even they can be expelled if any specified rule is not followed by them.
  8. Keep a maximum of five group admins. If it is an RWA group, no more than four admins from the RWA office.
  9. Do not rely only on the whatsapp group for important communication. Explore the alternative organized communication platforms like email for such messages.




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