How to get rid of the Alliance Politics?

October 11, 2020
Devinder Dhingra

Satyam (The Truth)

Alliance politics has become a compulsion these days. Each and every political party is involved in it. While pre-poll alliances are at least known before the elections, post-poll alliances are more or less an attempt to form a government somehow, some way, by hook or by crook. We have even witnessed a few of the pre-poll alliances not working after the election result which actually is deceiving voters irrespective of any reason the political parties cite.

Alliance politics is a menace at times to the growth of a country. To run an alliance compromises do occur and many a time it’s like pushing a derailed train, a government that has one or two feet missing. Horse trading, delayed decisions and putting ideology at stake, all are the byproducts of the alliance politics.

None of us as a voter prefer this alliance politics. The alliances are thrust upon us. But what is the alternative? If none of the parties emerges as a majority to form the government what can be done? Re-election is a costly affair. Moreover, there is no guarantee that fresh voting would bring out a single party in majority. Obviously if again we have to look for alliances what’s the harm in going for an alliance in the first place itself.

Do we’ve a solution? How can we get rid of alliance politics?

Possibly all the leading political parties may also not prefer an alliance government if they have a solution.

Shivam (The Solution)

How to form a Government? Obviously, this is the only demon that needs to be tamed. So, here’s my

four-points solution:

  1. In the absence of a clear majority when no party gets more than fifty percent of the votes, all the parties that have secured minimum 30% of the total seats shall be eligible to form the government. This means a maximum of three parties and in more than 90% of the cases only two parties will be eligible to form the government.
  2. The top two eligible parties as identified above shall run the government proportionately as per the number of seats each of them has secured. For example, if party A secured 40% seats and party B secured 35% seats, party A shall head the government for 40*5 years/ (40+35) i.e. 32 months and party B shall head the government for the remaining 28 months.

    The party that has the largest majority shall form the government first followed by the next eligible party.
  3. If no party has secured 30% of seats, which is rare, go for elections again but only top two parties shall be eligible to contest those re-elections.
  4. Any independent elected member (the one not belonging to any party) shall be allowed to join the government if he or she wishes and if the eligible party forming the government is willing to include such members.

Some may raise their eyebrows questioning how the government would function. It’s not that difficult in real sense. A common minimum program that the alliance partners frame is nothing but the common issues where the alliance partners agree. Obviously, any party that is heading the government with minimum 30% seats can function independently and just need the votes of the other elected members who would still vote in favour of a bill etc. in the assembly or the parliament if they agree on it commonly. Moreover, remember that the other eligible party also has to run the government later and they will practically cooperate on all the issues on which they agree to seek cooperation when it’s their turn.

Thus, when we've an alternative to all kinds of alliances we shall brainstorm on banning alliance politics, be it a pre-poll alliance or post-poll alliance. Let each and every party test the water on its own. An alliance is not an alliance in reality that has no validity period and which can have a break-up any day.

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