Pollution menace - Time to be proactive than inventing something without logic

November 11, 2022
Devinder Dhingra

Satyam (The Truth)

Every year the bad quality air engulfs the NCR region around the time when the winter season knocks in and the authorities, government and associated people start announcing corrective measures, and strangely, we do not see any preventive action other than announcing crackers ban on Diwali.

This year they have come up with a new invention: ban BS3 petrol and BS4 diesel light vehicles, such as cars. And strangely, there is no problem with trucks et cetera. Why? A common man’s brain is perhaps too small to understand it.

Till date, it cannot be proven whether such bans really help reduce the pollution. Technically, any vehicle that holds a valid PUC is officially emitting harmful substances within the prescribed allowable limits, whatever be its grading in terms of defined standards like BS3, BS4 or BS6.

If they are looking to reduce the number of vehicles on the road, implementing odd-even based vehicles plying on alternative days is a way better and logical, for an odd-even rule remains fair to everybody and everyone gets affected more or less equally. What is the point in going ahead with banning Bs3, Bs4 for so many days at a stretch?

Now, we are hearing that they are planning to use AI and drones to monitor pollution regularly and come up with a strategy to reduce pollution continuously throughout the year. Great! Hope it gets implemented in the right manner and remains in force even when the pollution gets back to normal limits.

Undoubtedly, it’s time to be proactive and look for a permanent solution rather than blame games and only corrective actions every time.

Shivam (The Solution)

The authorities need to act on preventive measures, so much that the need to take corrective actions that lack substantial footing does not arise.

A few such solutions could be:

  1. Implement a strategy to help societies shift to electric generators
  2. Come up with a plan where artificial rain can be induced at prominent locations whenever AQI turns worse
  3. Think about artificial winds to reduce pollution and allot a suitable budget for implementing it
  4. Increase green belt, something like growing plants vertically on all metro pillars and so on
  5. Make public transport easily accessible and less time consuming so that people start preferring it over driving own cars
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