Every parent wants their child to get settled. The moment a child grows into an adult and stands on his own feet, many of the worries of parents get over.
We're currently living in a highly competitive world and getting the desired settlement for the child is bound to go difficult day by day. Salaried class thinks business is better as it can be passed across generations. Business class generally finds doing jobs easy. The fact is both, job and business, have their own advantages and disadvantages.
Though it's natural for parents to be fretful in the given scenario, we need to remember that nothing is stable forever. If a child studies well and secures good position academically, there are strong chances that he or she would find the needed push for the career at an early stage. But, is it guaranteed for the whole life? Will those who didn't make it in the first step not make it ever? Will a successful business that is passed to the next generation always remain so?
A pink slip is likely going to be an accepted norm when the competition would grow multifold. Business competition is also going to rise accordingly. But there shall always be jobs and always be work.
Parents can neither support their child forever nor beyond a limit. If a child doesn't get a job or is interested in a business, a parent can help financially to kick-start a new venture. Some might support in thousands of rupees, others in lacs and some in crores, but, irrespective of the amount of the financial support, the fact is it's the child who has to handle the things oneself sooner or later. There are examples where people have succeeded in a business with even few rupees and there are others who haven't with even crores.
Even top businessmen are not stable forever. Who knows there is an alternate fuel available 10 or 15 years down the line in the market and nobody might need petrol and diesel? What would happen to the leading oil companies in that case?
And just remember, we’re not here even discussing natural or man-made calamities.
Planning for a child and supporting him or her is our responsibility as a parent. But building on that is the domain of the child. We need to guide them to the right path, provide them the right kind of education and help them stand on their own feet hoping for the best, but needn’t worry beyond a limit as nature would take its own call sooner or later.
Jun 1, 2017
Devinder Dhingra
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