A good writer needs to read a lot?

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Is it mandatory for a writer to read a lot to become a good writer or is it a misconception?

I've seen some of the discussions that compare reading with music. 'How can there be a musician who doesn't listen to music?'' is a valid argument. But the fact is there is a subtle difference between music and reading. While music can easily be listened to by a subconscious mind, proper attention is required for reading. Unless the conscious mind is involved, a subconscious mind cannot understand what's written. Reading requires active presence of mind and physical use of eyes. Because of which, a writer may or may not be an active reader all the time, whereas a musician can be an active listener naturally.

The most important aspect to be a good writer is to have an ear for good reading, similar to having an ear for music in the case of a musician. A writer is a reader by default just like a musician who listens to his/her own work naturally. Remember, reading is not just restricted to books or novels. Reading articles, news, poems, stories and any literature is equally important.

A writer definitely needs to read to understand the preliminary requirements of a particular writing form, language and practical application. He needs to read to broaden his ideas. But as far as crafting is concerned, it is a domain of commercial writers, who must know the styles and genres that work well in the market so as to get the desired fame and monetary gains. Writers in general are the ones who write when there is an urge from within and who have capacity to create their own styles.

In a nutshell, it's not a hardcore mandatory requirement for a good writer to read a lot. Had it been the case, the best reader would have been the best writer. But at the same time a good writer must have an ear for reading and ability to differentiate between good and bad stuff. He must know what works with readers, for success, and any reading that aids him or her in achieving that becomes a plus naturally.

July 27, 2017

Devinder Dhingra

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