Wealth and Finance

Building fund for Emergencies (Rainy Days)

Emergencies can strike us any day, be it a medical emergency or a job-loss or an unforeseen repair works or death of a close kin. We need ..Read in full..

Saving for Retirement

Retiring is a part of life. As we age, we have to make this decision sooner or later. Retirement savings, thus, becomes vital so that ..Read in full..

Developing better money habits

Investing starts only after you have developed your mindset on understanding the importance of saving money. Here are the tips and ..Read in full..

Smart shopping – Finance point of view

Shopping is an essential part of our life. Therefore, controlling impulsive buying and overspending, and saving as much as you can ..Read in full..

Budgeting Like a Pro

Budgeting is essential for meeting financial goals since it gives you an idea about the money you have, how much you can spend ..Read in full..

Managing your debt

Taking a loan is desirable at times, however, we need to learn debt management so that we don’t fall into a trap from which ..Read in full..

Basic Personal Financial Planning

Personal financial planning is very important to decide on how you should allocate the money in your budgeting and eventually ..Read in full..

Financial Tips for Young Earners

Young adults who have just commenced their careers and smelt their earned money should not wait beyond six months for their ..Read in full..

PPF strategy for a better fund value

PPF (Public Provident Fund) is a good retirement investment in India. The advantage with this is EEE, i.e., investment, interest ..Read in full..

Investing for wealth

Savings is the first step. The next comes investing. Unless and until we know to earn enough on our saved money, we can neither ..Read in full..

How to analyse personal financial health

Analysing personal finance is as important as managing personal finance is, for it can help us track our financial goals from time ..Read in full..

Making and balancing a household budget

Household budgeting is very useful. Once we get into this habit and it becomes our routine, we can exactly track our spending and ..Read in full..




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