Building fund for Emergencies (Rainy Days)

Octobe 11, 2023
DD Planet

Emergencies can strike us any day, be it a medical emergency or a job-loss or an unforeseen repair works or death of a close kin. We need to prepare for such rainy days and create a significant fund to easily sail through it.

Here are the tips and advice to help you build an emergency fund:

  1. Decide how much should be your emergency bucket considering your lifestyle, monthly expenses and cost of living at the place you live.
  2. Make savings a habit. Keep aside a certain percentage (even if it is as small as 1 or 2 percent to begin with) of your income every month for an emergency fund until you reach your goal.
  3. Prefer opening a separate account or investment for your emergency fund. If you’re lazy in financial tracking, choose an auto-sweep facility to create such a fund so that the required amount gets invested automatically every month.
  4. Do not keep your emergency money idle. Invest it suitably and regularly.
  5. Depending on your age, career level and responsibilities, you need to have an emergency fund that could vary from six months to 2-3 years of your monthly income.
  6. Be disciplined and contribute regularly.
  7. Reduce allocation in the emergency fund once you’re close to your target and take a hiatus once the goal is achieved. You need to, however, continue analysing your emergency bucket so as to top it up every time your situation changes.




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