The best time to take vitamins

July 27, 2023
DD Planet

At times we need to take vitamin supplements to take care of certain deficiencies in our bodies. But do you know the timing of taking vitamins is equally important so that our bodies absorb it properly.

Here are the tips and advice to help you know the best time to take a vitamin supplement:

  1. Broadly, vitamins are either fat-soluble or water-soluble. You need to know what kind of vitamin you’re taking. For example, vitamin B12, B6 and C are water-soluble whereas vitamin D, E and K are fat-soluble.
  2. If you’re taking a water-soluble vitamin, the best time is in the morning, about 1-2 hours after breakfast, and you need to consume it with water or fluid. Alternatively, you may even take certain vitamins like B12 empty stomach along with water.
  3. If you’re taking a fat-soluble vitamin, you need to consume it after food that has fat in it. Prefer it to take along with lunch since that is generally the heavy meal time. Alternatively, it can be consumed even after drinking a whole-fat milk.
  4. If a vitamin is energising, such as vitamin B12, take it in the morning so that your sleep is not disturbed.
  5. If your supplement has multivitamins, it’s better to find products that are either all water-soluble or fat-soluble, i.e., have separate vitamins. If unsure, consume multivitamins in the morning after breakfast with a fluid or water.
  6. Follow the instructions of the medical practitioner if you’re advised a certain time for taking vitamins.
  7. If you get complications or your condition worsens after consuming vitamins, seek medical help.




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